A blog in English and Catalan about the adventures of an American casteller trying to create a new casteller team in Chicago, plus all the people who come along for the ride! / Un bloc en anglès i català sobre les aventures d'una castellera americana intentant crear una nova colla castellera a Chicago, més tota la gent que hi participa!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Mini-practice / Mini-assaig

Hi all -

Not a whole lot to say today - we only had three people show up to practice, most likely due to the fact that it is already 4th week and midterms are hitting us. I'll have to come up with more ways to convince people that they can and should take a break from their studying to come climb on top of each other... However, the three of us who were there enjoyed about 45 minutes of practice in the quad, as it was actually quite nice out today. Since there were so few of us, we focused on pillars of 2, and everyone got to try both being on top and on the bottom. There were lots of random things happening in Classics Quad today, including several people taking pictures of lampposts (though I think they were secretly taking pictures of us :) ) and a men's a capella group that started singing as it walked by us, so we hardly stuck out!

The process of becoming an RSO is well under way - all the forms have been submitted, and we have a faculty sponsor! Hopefully I'll get word back from the committee soon. In the meantime, I really hope I can encourage more people to come to practice!

Good luck to everyone on midterms - salut i castells! (Now back to studying biochemistry...)


Hola a tothom -

No hi ha gaire a dir avui - només 3 persones han vingut a assaig, probablement perquè ja som a la quarta setmana del trimestre i toca fer examens parcials... Hauré de pensar en més maneres de convèncer la gent que poden i haurien de fer un descans d'estudiar i venir a pujar els uns sobre els altres! No obstant, els que hi erem avui hem gaudit d'uns 45 minuts d'assaig al quad, com que de debò feia bon temps avui. Com que erem tan pocs, hem fet molts pilars de 2, i tothom ha pogut ser a baix i a dalt. Hi havia moltes coses una mica estranyes passant al Classics Quad avui, com diverses persones fent fotos dels fanals (jo crec que en realitat estaven fent fotos de nosaltres :) ) i un cor "a capella" que ha començat a cantar mentre ens passaven... així que gairebé no erem distintius!

Ja hem començat el procés de fer-nos una RSO - hem lliurat totes les solicituds i ja tenim un representatiu de la professorat! Espero rebre notícies ben aviat. Mentrestant, espero poder encoratjar més gent a venir als assajos!

Bona sort a tothom amb els examens parcials (si en teniu) - salut i castells! (Ara a tornar a estudiar bioquímica...)

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