A blog in English and Catalan about the adventures of an American casteller trying to create a new casteller team in Chicago, plus all the people who come along for the ride! / Un bloc en anglès i català sobre les aventures d'una castellera americana intentant crear una nova colla castellera a Chicago, més tota la gent que hi participa!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Castellers in a squash court

Hi all,

It's been a while since I've written because it's been a while since we've made any castells. However, today we picked it up again, and, even though there were just three of us, I really want to try to stick with it. Thanks to the time change off of Daylight Savings Time, it now gets dark in Chicago around 5:00, so instead of meeting outside we met in a squash court in Henry Crown. It was actually a pretty good place to make castells!

Hallie, Allie and I practiced climbing our climbing technique against the wall, made a few free-standing pillars, and also made a couple of poms up to the acotxador. The poms are looking good - Allie has all the makings for a great acotxador, and even I was able to do it pretty well! Haha... we all hope we can get an enxaneta soon!

Even though attendance is down, I'm hoping it'll pick back up again once we get past midterm season. Also, I'm giving a workshop/presentation for two beginning Catalan classes on Wednesday, which I'm pretty excited about - maybe I'll be able to motivate some more people to join!

'Til next time - salut i castells!


Hola a tothom,

Fa temps que no he escrit res perquè fa temps que no hem pogut fer castells. No obstant, avui hem reprès els assajos i, encara que només erem 3, tinc moltes ganes de seguir endavant. Gràcies al canvi de temps, ara es fa fosc a les 17h a Chicago, així que en lloc d'assajar fora ho hem fet dins una pista de squash a Henry Crown (un gimnàs al campus). De fet, era un bon lloc per fer castells!

La Hallie, l'Allie i jo (quina coincidència de noms!) hem practicat pujant utilitzant la paret, hem fet alguns pilars net, i hem fet un parell de poms fins a acotxador. Els poms van bastant bé - l'Allie té pinta de ser una acotxadora molt gran, i fins i tot jo ho fet força bé! Haha... esperem tenir enxaneta ben aviat!!

Encara que l'assistència segueix baixa, espero que pujarà un cop passada l'època d'exàmens parcials. També, faré un taller/presentació per a dues classes de català aquest dimecres, i n'estic força animada - potser podré animar a més gent a participar!

Fins la propera - salut i castells!


  1. Molts ànims i endavant amb aquest gran projecte!

    Una abraçada,

  2. Hi teamtowersmaker!!!
    It is guay to know you export the Catalan culture. Go on ;)


